Interactive Chart Notes

The Hurrtrak system, optionally, displays the Chart Notes or observation details directly upon the tracking chart. The automatic display of the chart notes is controlled via the Plotting Options as shown on page 110.

The user also can view these chart notes on the Database Tab and any TRACKING CHART TAB. As you pass over an observation point (not forecast point), the chart notes for that observation are displayed. The secondary function initiated by a “right click” of the mouse is different for each type of tab.

With the Database Tab, a “right click” over an observation allows you to set that advisory as the Post Storm Analysis point. If you happen to point at a storm, you can also delete the storm from the database.

While viewing one of the TRACKING CHART TABS, a “right click” will permanently place the chart notes onto the image. If you press the right button down, hold it down, while dragging your mouse to another location, and then letting go of the right button, the chart notes will display in that location. The image below shows how the chart notes were positioned away from the storm track.