Official Forecast Maintenance



This option is seldom used as Hurrtrak Online downloads all of the storm forecast information. However it does allow the user to enter, change or delete any of the storm's official forecast data. The forecast data shown in the data table is determined by the highlighted forecast row at the bottom of the window.


To Add a new forecast, enter the forecast advisory information and select Add / Edit forecast.


To Edit an existing forecast, change the forecast information and select Add / Edit forecast.


To Delete a forecast, highlight that row in the table at the bottom and select Delete Selected Forecast.


The data fields for each forecast position from initial to 168** hours:


Date - Forecast date (UTC) entered as MM/DD/YY


Time - Forecast time (UTC) entered as HHMM.


Latitude - Forecast latitude.  North latitudes are positive.


Longitude - Forecast longitude. West longitudes are negative.


Max Wind Speed - Forecast maximum wind speed (knots).


Area Hurricane Force Winds (>64 KTS) - Forecasted area of Hurricane force winds provided by quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW).  All distances are in nautical miles.  


Area 50 Knot Winds (>50 KTS) - Forecasted area of 50 knot winds provided by quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW).  All distances are in nautical miles.  


Area 34 Knot Winds (>34 KTS) - Forecasted area of 34 knot winds provided by quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW).  All distances are in nautical miles.  



Options Available:


Help - Displays this help text.


Clear all fields - Clears all of the forecast data fields.


** National Hurricane Center currently only provides forecast out to 120 hours.