Automatic Outputs


The Automations capability basically includes other automatic output that did not fit into the category of Summary Report or EMAIL Alerts. The outputs defined in this function are automatically generated when new storm data is received and can be saved to a hard drive location and/or sent via Email. There are 4 types of “other” Automations.


Map Image:

The Map Image automation simply generates a tracking map for the storm. The user can define the mapping parameters. This is useful when all you need to do is send an image of the storm track, wind bands, etc..


Google Earth:

The Google Earth automation generates a KML/KMZ file for the storm with specific outputs defined by the user. This is handy when you want to share information about a storm but would rather have the recipient view it on the Google Earth Interface. Since this is a single file, it is perfect for Emailing.


EXCEL (spreadsheet):

The EXCEL automation will create an EXCEL compatible file which contains a impact report information for a location group. For folks who just want a concise report and prefer working with spreadsheets this is the way to go. Perfect for emailing.



This automation is available only for Hurrtrak Advanced Users. The SHAPE File automation allows the user to create multiple ERSI Shape files. The specific outputs can be defined by the user. Because of the potential for a large number of files, it may make more sense to save these files to a network directory and allow your users to view them in that manner… rather than sending them via email.


More information on how to setup Automations