Animate Menu


Selecting the animate option presents the user with the option of animating on the current chart, a refreshed chart (one with just the base geographical map) or a Wind Pattern Animation (refreshed chart).  Selecting the option to animate using the current chart as the base chart allows the user to first plot desired "background" items such as forecast tracks, range rings, etc and have those appear during the animation. The Wind Pattern Animation can be time consuming particularly if Advanced Wind Estimation is on.



Using Current Chart

Last 3 hours -  This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 3 hours of motion.


Last 6 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 6 hours of motion.


Last 12 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 12 hours of motion.


Last 24 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 24 hours of motion.


Entire Past Track - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the entire actual track.


Forecast - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the forecast motion.


Entire Past and Forecast Track - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the entire actual track and the forecast.


Using Refreshed Chart

Last 3 hours -  This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 3 hours of motion.


Last 6 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 6 hours of motion.


Last 12 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 12 hours of motion.


Last 24 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 24 hours of motion.


Forecast - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the forecast motion.


Entire Past and Forecast Track - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the entire actual track and the forecast.



Wind Pattern Animation

Last 3 hours -  This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 3 hours of motion.


Last 6 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 6 hours of motion.


Last 12 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 12 hours of motion.


Last 24 hours - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the last 24 hours of motion.


Forecast - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the forecast motion.


Entire Past and Forecast Track - This selection will initiate the animation function and animate the entire actual track and the forecast.