indicator controls which models will plot based on their age in hours.
Any models initialized greater than this value will not be plotted.
This option is utilized in both the Hurrtrak program and the RECON Plot
This indicator determines if only the latest forecast model, of each type, will plot when the user chooses the "All Models" option. i.e. this will insure that the user will only see the latest GFDL rather than multiple GFDL forecast.
This option controls how the appearance of the eye wall when plotting a storm's position.
This option determines whether storm observation points will be plotted with circles at the same size of the storm's eye. Deselecting this option will show a "cleaner" less cluttered track.
This indicator determines if the storm's chart notes will automatically be displayed after the track is drawn.
This option determines if location distances are automatically displayed after a storm track plot. The user can also define which location groups to use for maps smaller (small map location) and greater (large map location) than 20 degrees in width.
This option controls whether
chart notes are displayed when plotting the official forecast track. The
day of the week is included on smaller scale maps.
This option controls whether chart notes are displayed when plotting the climate forecast track.
This option controls whether chart notes are displayed when plotting the "What If" forecast track.
This allows the user to set the color that the road lines are drawn.
This controls the pattern and color of the latitude/longitude grid lines
This option allows the user to modify the colors of the Watch and Warning Areas as well as define the pattern to use for Wind watches and warnings and Storm Surge watches and warnings. Also included in this area is the plot width of the coastal watches and warnings.
Plotting Options
Point and click on the user preference options shown above for a description of what they control. To change tabs, click on the tab you would like to examine.